Importance of Strength Training

Written by Kylie Pearce

We usually think of bodybuilders when we see the term Strength Training, which can be a daunting thought for most but I’m here to reassure you that it’s not all about lifting heavy.

Strength or resistance training involves performing physical exercise in a functional movement pattern (mimicking our everyday patterns - squat, lunge, hinge, twist, bend, push and pull) using weights and creating tension within muscle fibres to enable muscle growth for strength, stability, and endurance

So why is Strength training so important for our wellbeing?

Well, the benefits are truly endless and not limited to:

  • Builds lean muscle and prevents the natural loss of lean muscle as we age

  • Weight management and/or fat loss: more muscle burns more calories/fat stores, and create longevity of these results

  • Slows down the deterioration of bone density and can reduce the risks of osteoporosis especially in menopausal women

  • Boosts energy, improves mood and mental health by increasing dopamine and endorphins which have a positive effect on the brain and the nervous system

  • Deep core strength: now this is a huge point covered in all of our classes - it’s not all about those washboard abdominals, think deeper muscles to support your back, and pelvic floor which aid in balance, coordination and posture. We start every class by activating these muscles and getting the communication path of the muscles open - strong foundations perform a stronger and safer lift.

  • Mobility, to protect the joints from potential injury

  • Benefits your heart health - reduces risks of hypertension (high blood pressure)

So where should you start when it comes to Strength Training?

This is really dependant on the individual. Firstly, if you have any health concerns please consult your GP or health practitioner, but my advice for any beginner is to start slow to ensure you focus on technique and to keep it consistent. The body fights for homeostasis (balance) so to improve on your goals you need to keep the number of sessions per week consistent while using our progressive overload techniques (covered in all of our strength classes) with a well-rounded and balanced program.

Rest and recovery are just as important as strength-based workouts. We essentially are shortening the muscle fibres by creating mini tears so lengthening the fibres again by stretching and putting our nervous system into a parasympathetic (rest and repair) state will help you rebuild stronger and set you well on your way towards your goal.

The benefits are endless and not limited to this list above but by implementing some strength-based exercise into your weekly routine rest assured, you will see a huge benefit to your quality of life.

Our 45 minute Strength offering incorporates mindfulness, mobility, strength training, functional movements, and lengthening. We begin by setting an intention and breath-work, flowing into mobility to warm and prepare the body for load and functional conditioning. Finishing with full-body stretches and mindful meditation to integrate all your movement holistically.


Join us for Strength on:

Tuesday 5.30am

Thursday 5.15pm

Saturday 7.15am

If you have any questions regarding our Strength offering, feel free to email us or download the Ardor Albury app to book your first class.

Kylie x


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