Cycle Syncing your Exercise

Written by Tahlia Thomas

When you start tuning into your cycle, you will notice that you feel differently at different times over your cycle. This often depends on your hormone levels. So by regulating your exercise ritual after noting how you are feeling at different stages in your cycle, you can actually improve your sense of wellbeing.

Let’s take a look at what happens with your hormones and energy levels (and possibly your mood) during your cycle and how you can achieve optimum wellbeing with the right type of exercise!


Did you know during your period your hormones are at their lowest? So any types of high intensity, cardio movements can be stressing to your cardiovascular system.

The first day of your bleed is the first day of your cycle. So if you want to start tracking your cycle this is a great time to start. Noting things like mood, energy on a scale out of 10, colour and amount of blood, cravings can also be great journal prompts. 

To nurture your body, reduce menstrual pain and support wellbeing at this stage, we recommend restful and lighter based movement. 

Ardor Classes: Gentle Flow, Restorative and Meditation 


‘The feel good phase’. Coming out of your period, oestrogen increases and you’re ready to take on anything: a good flow, a challenging strength class and lots more social activity!

When journaling through this phase, focus on how your body feels after movement. Are you feeling good, tired or energised etc? Have you been able to lift a heavier weight or balance better in your tree pose? 

To get the most from your body during this phase, we recommend higher intensity and strength based exercise.

Ardor Classes: Flow, Strength and Sculpt Amplified 


This phase lasts for 3-4 days, in the middle of your cycle. After your follicular phase and just before your luteal. Both oestrogen and luteinising hormone (LH) increase to support in releasing an egg.

During this phase you might feel more social it’s a great time to catch up with friends, focus on bigger projects and tune into your body during exercise.

If you don’t feel amazing during this phase that’s totally fine, for movement focus more so on mobility work and connecting to your breath. It’s important to remember that each individual body is different, and your favourite phase will likely be different to the woman sitting next to you on the mat. 

To nurture your body, optimise energy and support healthy ovulation in this phase, we recommend strength and higher intensity based exercise.

Ardor Classes: Flow, Strength, and Sculpt


Through this phase you may feel your best when training and then also unmotivated, this is very common. Having this understanding of your hormones adapting can support you in picking the best movement for you at this specific time in your cycle. In saying this, mindful movement can be extremely beneficial in reducing many of the PMS symptoms that ladies experience during this time.

To get the most from your body during this phase, we recommend a mix of lighter strength based exercise as well as restorative
Ardor Classes: Strength with lighter weight, Sculpt, Gentle Flow and Restorative 

Honouring your body at each stage of the cycle will enable you a greater sense of connection to your body and a deeper sense of flow in your life. We are here to guide and support you on your wellbeing journey. 


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